The National Conversation: Building Statewide Power for ID Access

From our Partners at ‘The National Conversation:’

Our next informational session is August 7th, 12:00 pm cst

Topic: Building Statewide Power for ID Access: 


  • Christine Dragonette, Director of Social Ministry at St. Francis Xavier Church in St. Louis, Missouri

  • Sara Ruiz, Executive Director of the Ashrei Foundation in St. Louis, Missouri

The Ashrei Foundation and St. Francis Xavier co-convene the Missouri State ID Access Coalition, which brings together stakeholders across the state of Missouri to eliminate barriers to government identification. 

Sara and Christine will share their experience, challenges, and areas of learning in both building up direct ID and birth certificate support and working for systems level change in a statewide coalition. 

The National Conversation About IDs continues to be an advocate for eliminating barriers to obtaining identification documents across America. We know that many of your clients face these barriers and we are committed to working with you and each of our members to find solutions. 

Please email for information or to register for the session.

Bonus (!):

Visit The National Conversation’s Website to view the video of the last info session featuring Kat Calvin, Founder of both Project ID & Spread The Vote. Kat is the keynote speaker at the Missouri State ID Access Coalition’s first annual statewide ID Access Summit on September 7th- see all of the details here.


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