Refugee REsettlement

A little history:

This Refugee Resettlement Project began in Fall 2021 with lay leadership at Central Reform Congregation.

With guidance from the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), the women-led all-volunteer team works to welcome refugee families and supports them building a new life in St. Louis.

The work:

The work of resettlement generally falls into 3 phases: preparation, arrival and belonging.

Volunteers lead the work at each stage, which includes:

  • preparing and submitting sponsorship applications

  • securing stable housing

  • paying utilities and rent for a year

  • providing a monthly stipend for the first 6 months

Volunteers are most active during the 2-3 month arrival phase, when the family is most dependent on the volunteers for support from everything to transportation, access to education, employment and medical care, and more.

We provide a direct network of support until these families stand on their own feet financially and socially; we truly become a blended family.

To date, the team has welcomed 3 families to St. Louis from Afghanistan and Ukraine.  

Read the March 6, 2025 St. Louis Public Radio article about this work here.

Enter, Ashrei:

In 2024, facing increased demand and a heightened need for administrative support, Ashrei welcomed the transition of this effort into our work in immigrant justice. 

What comes next:

The team was preparing to welcome a 4th family in early 2025 but we were devastated to learn that the plane tickets that would bring this family here were abruptly cancelled following a disgraceful executive order from President Trump.

While we await resolution for this family’s travel plans, we have also begun processes to welcome and support a 5th family that might not be impacted by these recent policy changes.

The team continues to advocate to protect refugee status and expand the rights of all immigrants.