Summit for Religious Freedom 2024 Recap

The Ashrei Foundation was proud to be an Ally Sponsor of the Summit for Religious Freedom 2024 in Washington D.C. Hosted by Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

From the SRF Website:

“A strong separation of church and state is the shield that protects everyone's right to live as themselves and believe as they choose —  ensuring freedom without favor and equality without exception.”

Ashrei Founder, Rabbi Susan Talve’s photo is featured right next to this declaration on the event’s home page!

The Summit for Religious Freedom or SRF (pronounced "surf") is the hub for our collective fight for religious freedom, church-state separation, and the issues that depend on them like LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, protecting public schools, strengthening our democracy and more. It’s a big tent — welcoming the diversity of our movement from longtime advocates, to those just discovering the issue and its critical role in protecting our democracy, our equality, and our rights. We’re collaborating to defeat the biggest threats to these values including Christian nationalists and other extremists, along with  their political allies, who have launched a coordinated campaign to force us all to live by their narrow, religious beliefs.

Foundation Board Member Rhoda Kahn Nussbaum attended the summit as Ashrei’s delegate and we were delighted to add a little Ashrei SWAG to the attendee’s gift bags.

AU is now sharing the wealth of knowledge on a wide array of issues with all recorded SRF 2024 Sessions on YouTube!

You can also view the full summit program, the event blog, and highlight videos from events and Hill Day!

The annual Summit is boosted year round by SRF365, a series of virtual webinars that respond to current events and continue community networking.

SRF is designed for organizational professionals as well as everyday member activists and grassroots supporters of the cause. It is a home for policy wizards, legal maestros, academic geniuses, kick-ass organizers and volunteer masterminds, as well as brilliant political, community, religious and non-religious leaders. It is a place for teaching and learning, organizing and advocacy, thought leadership and lessons learned, and bringing our community together for the fight of our lives.

Save the date- Next year’s Summit for Religious Freedom is planned for April 5-8, 2025 in the Washington D.C. Area.


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