Project 2025: The Christian Nationalist plan to take over America

From our partners at Americans United for Separation of Church and State:

What will Project 2025 do?

Project 2025 is not a myth. It’s not propaganda. The Project 2025 plan was created by a billion-dollar Shadow Network of organizations, legislators, and power brokers determined to destroy our democracy. They wrote it down. It has a website. And Project 2025 will affect you, your family, friends and communities.

Project 2025 is a plan for restructuring the federal government so that Christian Nationalists can make everyone follow their narrow religious beliefs. Right in the introduction to Project 2025 it calls for “deleting” LGBTQ+ equality, reproductive freedom, and diversity, equity and inclusion from “every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists.”

Project 2025 plans to:

  • Roll back LGBTQ+ rights

  • Erase marriage equality

  • Ban the most accessible forms of abortion and limit reproductive health care

  • Create obstacles for racial justice

  • Eliminate the Department of Education

  • Fund private religious schools with taxpayer money

  • Use religious freedom to discriminate

Click below to learn about what Project 2025 will do to access to abortion and repro freedom, LGBTQ+ people and their families, public education, and the shadow network behind it all.


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