Harmful Missouri state Legislation on Immigration
Action alert from the MO Immigration Policy Coalition about SB 58 and SB 72:
SB 58 does a couple of highly problematic and unconstitutional things. First, it would create the "Interstate Compact for Border Security Act", which I read as basically carte blanche permission for the governor to use funds and state resources (ie. national guard, highway patrol, etc.) to strengthen the inhumane enforcement practices and criminalization of immigration at the southern border - yes, MO wants to give border states like Texas Missourians' money! The other thing it does is add state criminal violations for existing in Missouri without authorization. Right now, being undocumented is not a criminal or civil offense in federal law. It is a civil violation to enter the country without inspection, aka "cross the border" without authorization. But under this proposed law, MO would fine up to $10k, and jail seemingly indefinitely (or until federal agencies take custody) someone who enters Missouri when they are undocumented. This would clearly lead to rampant racial profiling, since it is impossible to "see" someone's immigration status. As we've seen in other states, this kind of practice emboldens hate crimes, destroys community trust, and makes Missouri less safe for all of us. The bill performed TERRIBLY in committee, but passed out of committee anyway and is now about to be heard on the Senate floor.
SB 72 is the atrocious "bounty hunter" program, which would require the Dept. of Public Safety to create a system that can receive and track civilian reports of an individual suspected of being unlawfully present and physically present in MO, that, if it leads to an arrest, would be compensated $1000 reward by the state. It also includes language to make existing in Missouri without authorization a felony punishable by imprisonment without probation or parole. Again, this would lead to tremendous hate crimes and foster an anti-immigrant, white supremacist culture in our state.
Both of these bills are truly despicable.
They are NOT what healing and repairing Missouri looks like.
Their introduction has caused harm, fear and trauma in our community and would cause devastation if passed.
Here’s how to act:
Sign and share this action alert that goes to all Senators
Reach out to these Senators and ask them to filibuster SB 58 when it gets to the floor
Share this message with friends and neighbors!