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Phone Bank with NCJW

From our partners at NCJW:

The stakes are high. We need your help to get voters to the polls. 

Here’s what to know – and what you can do next.

1. This November, abortion is on the ballot. Arizona, Florida, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Dakota all currently have abortion bans. A “yes” vote on their respective state ballot initiatives would expand access to abortion and reproductive health care and give pregnant people in their state the ability to access necessary and vital health care without crossing state lines. Voters in Colorado, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, and New York have the opportunity to strengthen their existing abortion laws.

Across the country many NCJW local sections mobilized to collect thousands of signatures to get these initiatives on the ballot and are now leading and working closely in coalition to engage voters ahead of the election. 

2. Galvanize voters by phone banking with NCJW:  Together with our local NCJW sections, we are inviting NCJW advocates across the country to call voters directly in New York, Colorado, Florida, and Missouri and tell them to vote YES on their abortion ballot initiatives. Join us! 

Monday September 23 | 6-8pm ET: Phone Bank to Vote YES on the Equal Rights Amendment in NY 

Monday September 30 | 7-9pm ET: Phone Bank to Vote YES on Amendment 79 in CO

Tuesday October 15 | 7:30-9:30pm ET: Phone Bank to Vote YES on Amendment 3 in MO

Monday October 21 | 7-9pm ET: Phone Bank to Vote YES on Amendment 4 in FL

And there are plenty of other opportunities to plug in. Bookmark NCJW’s Jewish Community Calendar for abortion access advocates for hundreds of volunteering opportunities with dozens of partners around the country to reach voters virtually and in-person through phone banking, text banking, door knocking, and more.

October 10

North City Photo ID Project

October 17

North City Photo ID Project