The intent of the FLA is to build public relationships and take collaborative action in solidarity across sectors - faith, labor community - to build an economy and a democracy that works for all Missourians.
No RSVP Required!
MOJWJ member organizations may request time on the STL FLA agenda.
Breakfast is served starting at 7:30 am. The meeting starts at 8:00 am.
The St. Louis Faith Labor Alliance meets every month on the 3rd Thursday (usually).
Contact the Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley for more information at or 314-503-7415.
Each meeting begins with reciting the Missouri Jobs With Justice’s Be There Solidarity Pledge:
I will BE THERE to fight for an economy, a democracy, and a Missouri that works for all of us, no matter the color of our skin, our zip code, or what’s in our wallets.
I commit to BE THERE at least five times a year:
Standing up for our rights as working people—Black, brown, and white—to good jobs and healthy communities;
Supporting the right of all workers to organize and bargain collectively; Fighting for fair wages in the face of corporate greed;
Fighting against white supremacy wherever I encounter it, and standing up for racial justice;
Organizing the unorganized to take aggressive action to secure a better future for all of us; and
Mobilizing those already organized to join the fight for Jobs with Justice.
The Ashrei Foundation is a proud member of the St. Louis Faith Labor Alliance and regularly attends these meetings.
Zoom only this month due to winter wonderland conditions!
Time: Feb 20, 2025 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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