Abortion Access
Initiative Petition to Restore Abortion Rights
The Ashrei Foundation is honored to join a statewide effort to get abortion rights on the ballot in November 2024! After months of battling with the State of Missouri, the final ballot language has been selected. Now, nearly 300,000 citizens must sign petitions before the May deadline, in order for us to meet the burden and allow Missourians to vote!
The campaign is led by Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, with support from a multitude of other organizations, including: Abortion Action Missouri, the ACLU of Missouri, AccessMO, and Planned Parenthood affiliates in Kansas City and St. Louis.
The process is this: gather signatures —> signatures reviewed (and likely hundreds-thousands thrown out) —> approved —> on the ballot in November —> Missourians vote on the proposed amendment to the Missouri state constitution to restore reproductive freedom!
Click the image below to read the proposed amendment!